Media Pocket’s Top 5 Innovations From the Second Half of 2023

Second half of 2023 included webhooks, metadata tools and many more!

As the year comes to an end, it’s the perfect time to take a look at what’s new in Media Pocket.

With our biweekly product releases, we not only develop new features but also respond to user feedback and perspectives. The bottom line is that we, as product developers, need to be as scalable and flexible as the product itself.

Here, we have gathered five new developments that we consider to be the most important ones from the users’ perspective.


Webhooks are used to send immediate notifications from one system to another when specific events or changes occur, allowing seamless real-time communication between applications.

With the new feature the user can configure webhooks to be triggered from different events happening in the environment.

For example, webhooks come in handy when you want to receive an instant notification whenever a new asset is added to a specific project.

Read more about webhooks here.


Asset Protection

Asset protection can be used to archive your assets more safely. Admins have now the possibility to protect assets, which will block the possibility of deleting/moving the asset or related metadata. This permission can be enabled for custom user roles as well. 

Read more about asset protection from here.


Copy Metadata

This feature is designed to simplify and expedite the handling of metadata, contributing to a more seamless workflow.

From the bulk edit tool, you are now able to copy metadata from one asset and paste it into a maximum of 100 assets at a time. This makes metadata handling and modifying much quicker and more user friendly. 

Read more about it here.


Image Processing Renewal

Media Pocket uses a new image processing library. This updated library not only enhances the speed of image processing but also fortifies the overall workflow, making it more resilient and efficient.

To avoid this being just purely marketing talk, let’s put some numbers on the table. From processing images to creating preview images, a multitude of tasks can be done at least twice as fast, many even faster.

At the same time, the renewal has brought a lot of reliability and certainty to the image processing processes.

File Compressing – ZIP

From the download settings you can now select whether to download the files individually or in a zip file. The zipping option compresses the files into one lightweight file that saves space. 

Read more about downloading assets here.

Here you have it. As the number of users continues to increase, the entire product becomes more comprehensive and advanced each day. It’s no wonder that Media Pocket is already being utilized by various companies, ranging from publishers and media houses to production companies and broadcasters.

Media Pocket fits the needs of every type of company. Whether it involves storing marketing materials or distributing movies all over the world, Media Pocket works as an essential link in the workflow.

Contact us and we’ll tell you in detail how Media Pocket can meet your business needs.

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