Customer stories
MCR for London Summer Olympics
Media Tailor (formerly TV Tools) designed and implemented a portable MCR (Master Control Room) for FilmWorks, now NEP Finland for the live productions of 2012 London Summer Olympics.
The system was based at the London Media Center (LMC) next to Parliament Square. From there, the press conferences of the Olympics were broadcast live and stored in the system for later use. Additional edited material was also produced for the broadcasts of the press conferences.
In addition to the press center, the system consisted of production platforms located in the nerve centers of the Olympics. In these smaller units, representatives of various media were able to give presentations and interviews, which were filmed with Sony cameras and recorded centrally on LMC’s EVS XS video server. All recordings were also streamed in real-time to the DVS SpycerBox SAN system for editing. Four editing units were connected to the SAN disk system, which were leased with professional personnel for the use of media representatives.
Intercom within and between different locations were conducted with the Rieden Artist intercom system. Intercom panels across London communicate with each other over an IP network. The video infrastucture was implemented with Evertz’s matrix, multi-image division and signal processing technology. The Master Control Room also controlled “beauty shot” cameras located around the city.
Master Control Room acted as a service point for various media representatives. In addition, a ready program was produced from there every day for 15 minutes.