
Media Pocket Reached the Age of 100 Product Releases – Here’s How the Platform Has Evolved

Media Pocket reached a significant milestone by reaching the 100 product release mark. The intensively developed platform has quickly gained recognition as one of the industry’s leading DAM and MAM platforms.

In May 2024, our media management platform, Media Pocket, reached a significant milestone with the launch of its 100th product release on Tuesday, May 14th.

Launched to the wider public in 2019, the platform has been writing a success story for nearly five years, evolving the entire Finnish media management industry. More than 1 000 users and millions of files uploaded to the platform speak for themselves.

Media Pocket has been developed from the very beginning prioritizing the needs of the target user group. Its main objective was to streamline digital asset management and make it more cost-effective through a cloud-based platform.

Media Pocket was also intended to fit all types of content supply chains and media management needs – no matter which type of media files the company uses.

Over the years, this vision has been more than fulfilled. Media Pocket’s feature set has multiplied at the same pace as its user base.

Same purpose, but more extensive

Media Pocket has become an increasingly versatile platform for a wide range of media management needs. These are some of the areas where it has evolved notably:

Broad and comprehensive search capabilities are the cornerstones of DAM and MAM platforms. They also play a major role in Media Pocket, whose search does not fall short compared to the industry-leading platforms.

The custom field metadata we have developed ensures that each company can build its metadata schema that best suits its metadata needs.

At the same time, our open interface has allowed us to build numerous integrations between the most common and less common software. Comprehensive documentation is, of course, available for the API. This allows Media Pocket to fit into all kinds of workflows.

In addition to the new features and general ease of use, Media Pocket’s interface has been refined to make it even easier to use for all users.

The list could go on and on. Visit the product page for a more detailed look at the platform’s features and use cases.

Thousands of users and millions of assets

While the number of users has skyrocketed, the whole platform has made great leaps towards becoming an elite DAM and MAM platform.

Currently, Media Pocket has more than 1 200 users, more than 3 million projects and files, and more than 800 terabytes of storage space. At the same time, the development team has welcomed a number of new faces.

And the hard work goes on!

If you’re interested in Media Pocket, we’re always ready to have a chat about it and the ways it can best benefit your business.

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