Nature Mission

Our nature mission is to mitigate climate change, increase natural carbon sinks and maintain the diversity of our unique nature. We spend 50 % of our company’s profits in fulfilling our nature mission!

In celebration of the United Nations’ International Day of Forests, we want to give you a closer look at our group’s nature mission.

For over a decade, our group has acquired over 5000 hectares of forest using profits from Media Tailor and TV Tools.

We cannot deny the fact that our business generates carbon emissions. Meanwhile, Finnish nature is rapidly losing its diversity. That’s why we want to do our part in protecting our important and beautiful nature by allocating half of our business profits to fulfill our nature mission.

Markus Paul, CEO, Media Tailor Oy

Of these areas, we’ve transferred a total of 1450 hectares in primeval forest and valuable subjects in terms of nature diversity into permanent protection. In addition, we have restored over 500 hectares of restored peat production lands into wetlands and 400 hectares of bogs and drainage areas.

A restored wetland in Sotkamo, Kainuu, Finland.

A wetland built on Ansosuo, Sotkamo, Finland.

The remaining 2650 hectares of forest are used for organic forestry avoiding logging, which improves forest diversity and strengthens carbon sequestration. At the same time, we provide habitat for many endangered species.

Each year we ease birds’ chronic habitation shortage by providing 1000 new accommodations. The birdhouses are built by Mokia Ry, who actively work on rehabilitation activity. The birds’ new houses are installed across Finland by local environment practitioners.

Homes are delivered to destinations all over Finland despite the challenges created by the circumstances.

In addition, we’ve funded hundreds of thousands of euros for the Finnish Natural Heritage Foundation’s sanctuary acquisitions. We also support research and development work that advances nature’s diversity and carbon binding.

Our nature mission’s background force lies in our Group’s founder and member of the board, Timo Kujala. He was also the biggest donator in the “My nature gift for a hundred-year-old Finland” campaign, securing 600 hectares of his forests.

In recognition of our nature mission’s restoration projects, the construction of wetlands, and the protection of valuable forests, the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation has awarded Timo Kujala an environmental award.