Media Pocket Loader enables an effortless transition to a Hybrid Cloud!
Automated multi-cloud services make file archiving and processing significantly easier.
Media Pocket Loader enables the transfer of large masses of media files between a production environment and a cloud service quickly, securely, and cost-effectively.
The best features of a modern cloud and a traditional data center merge in a hybrid cloud
For media-centric organizations such as production and media companies, the transition to a hybrid cloud from a traditional local storage model remains an important topic from a business development perspective. And no wonder, because companies’ already enormous, and continuously growing, media archives cloud storage possibility attracts by addressing a number of on-premise storage challenges, such as rather poor performance, security concerns, and year by year rising costs.
On the other hand, companies are also aware of the benefits of the familiar and secure on-prem storage model, such as maintaining complete internal management control and security responsibilities, independence from Internet access, and the need for new, system-dependent equipment or applications.
So why choose? Several organizations have ended up either permanently – or temporarily on their way to cloud migration – in a hybrid model that combines the best of both storage spaces. The desired data can be transferred agilely between local servers and the cloud service, which improves access to digital assets and further improves the material’s utilization rate. Most importantly, it makes working with the media assets overall much smoother.
Transition to the cloud inspires but also casts doubt among media companies
We have found that many media companies are holding back the transition to cloud services due to the often cumbersome and slow data migration process. After all, there is a huge amount of material and it is constantly being produced more and more. Content is the core of the business. Many file transfer services are unable to meet the transfer speed needs of heavy media archives, let alone integrate seamlessly with systems already used in the production environment.
We met this challenge by developing a new component to our media management platform, Media Pocket UI. Media Pocket Loader makes even massive media transfers easy, fast and, above all, risk-free, while preserving the folder structures.
How does Media Pocket Loader work?
Loader integrates on-prem production storage space into the Media Pocket cloud for automatic transfer from the browser and back. The loader performs the following steps in its automation process:
- Ensures that all necessary files, such as programs and libraries, are downloaded.
- Copy the files from disk to memory, considering the file’s associated memory requirements, permissions, etc.
- Restores all individual sub-folders and resources using file path information.
- Records the recovery process in the Media Pocket UI log, which can be used to track recovery history at the user and file levels.
Media Pocket Loader is designed to meet the special needs of media-centric companies, such as production and media companies. We have implemented Loader in collaboration with the product development team of our parent company, TV Tools. From media technology professionals to you media experts!