Customer stories
Centralizing Sanoma Media Finland’s Clip Archives
Sanoma Media Finland is the leading media house in Finland. Almost 100% of Finnish people spend time with Sanoma’s print and digital media every week. Centralizing their clip archives with Media Tailor’s services helps Sanoma to streamline their production processes creating new ways to use and monetize large amounts of content.
Transformation of media industry and digital multichannel publications with high-paced launching schedules challenge companies to change their ways of managing content.
It was necessary for the customer to be able to control their content in one place. Sanoma produces thousands of audio and video clips per month and they have multiple publications for different audiences in different digitalized channels.
Their platform ISTV, for instance, publishes many online programs targeted for several different online audiences along with their online news selection.
Media Tailor has developed a high-tech service environment that enables automation for all media files such as video, audio, images etc. and their processing (e.g. different broadcast versions, archiving and quality controls).
Cloud service and the platform is scaled to meet customers needs. Media files with metadata are being collected using integrations and customer is accessing their own clip-archives via online platform.
Data-driven technology combined with automated workflows enable management (e.g. transferring and archiving) of different content very smooth.
Automated technical environment makes processing, such as creating different versions for television and OTT or audio limitation and accessing for post-productional purposes, more efficient and reliable.
Media Tailor’s platform provides automation that supports Sanoma’s core operations creating new possibilities for using and monetizing content. With Media Tailor’s solution Sanoma Media Finland was able to streamline their video and audio content management and their staff is able to access their archives easier than ever.
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