Media Tailor

Customer stories

Post Production System Expansion

Media Tailor’s (formerly TV Tools) long-term customer DeCo Media, nowadays Otavamedia, expanded its post-production system in the spring and winter of 2011. The primary goal of the project was to build a backup and archiving system that could meet the challenges posed by ever-increasing material volumes.

An LTO data tape-based backup and archiving system were added to the existing dual-editing workstation system. In addition, one new editing workstation was acquired and both old editing workstations were upgraded to powerful Apple Mac Pro workstations. The backup and archiving system is based on the Tandberg Data StorageLibrary T40 tape library and Archiware PresSTORE backup software. The system handles both media backup and archiving. The idle Mac Pro acted as a backup server. The PresSTORE software is so light that it also works with older machines. This created savings on equipment costs.

Workstations are backed up over the network to tapes in the tape library. The editing units have local G-Tech G-Speed ​​eS disk packs with a total disk capacity of just over 15TB. Video monitoring has been implemented with AJA Kona 3 video cards and Eizo monitors. In addition to the three editing workstations, the system also backups the disk surfaces of the three encoding workstations. All backup functions are timed so that they do not interfere with production. The system automatically recycles LTO-5 data tapes, so there is no need to perform tape exchange for backup.

“We are particularly pleased that with the new backup system, our own and our customers’ data is automatically secured. This leaves more time for productive work.”

Pasi Vallittu
Deco Media

Archiving is partially automated. When users want to archive a project or other material, the material is moved to an agreed-upon folder, which PresSTORE scans according to a schedule and then archives it to data tapes. After archiving, the system first verifies and then deletes the archived material from the hard drive, and finally sends a report to users via email. Archived material is restored using an easy-to-use web browser interface. This allows users to make material returns independently, without the help of an IT professional.

“The system as a whole has worked well. The archiving system allows you to return to projects easily and effortlessly.”

Pasi Vallittu
Deco Media

DeCo Media’s developing operations received a further boost in the spring of 2011, when media house Otavamedia became the owner of DeCo Media.

In this project


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Post & Infra Team Post & Infra Team
Jussi Elonen

Jussi Elonen

Project Manager

+358 50 529 6683​​

Sales & Customer Relations Team Sales & Customer Relations Team
Mikko Kujala

Mikko Kujala


+358 40 180 5555

Post & Infra Team Post & Infra Team
Pekka Sutela

Pekka Sutela

Systems Specialist

+358 40 480 7690

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