
Media Tailor awarded as an Achiever 2020

We are proud to announce that Media Tailor has been awarded with the annual Achievers (Menestyjät) certificate 2020 by Finland’s leading financial print media, Kauppalehti.

As an Achiever company, we are recognized as one of the top-performing businesses in Finland with solid growth, good financial results, and profitability, a strong and stable financial structure, and liquidity to ensure continued operation. A company that has earned the certification has been found to outperform its peers.

The certificate is issued by Alma Talent Information Services, a group of professional financial analysts. Business success is based on several different areas, such as skillful management, dedicated personnel, efficient processes, and a deep understanding of the customers.

The Achiever certificate anticipates the company’s future success and is thus a strong sign of continuous reliability on top-quality services to our existing and future partners. At the same time, the certificate shows us internally that our work is successful. 

“The Achiever certificate is a great recognition of succeeding together. Skilled and dedicated personnel guarantees the possibility to achieve something big. We have succeeded to refine well-performing and efficient processes in which professionality and creativity combines with determined hands-on working. I am genuinely proud of our whole company personnel.”

Markus Paul, CEO

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