Media Tailor


Graphics Solutions

Dynamic Channel Branding Solutions for TV and Web Streaming Broadcasting

Elevate your media offering and optimize the appeal of advertising sales with our end-to-end Graphics Solutions co-developed with SmartPX and TV Tools.

With highly automated and customizable channel branding options, broadcasters can deliver personalized TV and streaming experiences, effectively captivating and engaging audiences.

News publishers and media houses.
Media Tailor

Benefits and features

Effortless creation

Create versatile TV graphics simultaneously while generating website layouts – with automatic conversion.

Uplift brands

Elevate brands and bring them to life through captivating, animated templates.

Leverage UGC

Display and moderate user-generated content in real-time from any source for enhanced audience engagement.

XML automation

Generate complete programs effortlessly using a single XML file and eliminate the need for additional manual work.

Boost advertising

Integrate advertising messages straight into channel branding graphics for eye-catching marketing purposes.

Enrich content

Incorporate external data sources such as weather, traffic, and news into graphic templates.


News publishers and media houses.
Media Tailor

Solution Overview

Graphics Solution


GS Data

Reads and processes schedule-related metadata into graphics data. A variety of rules or conditions can be configured to produce graphics. The data parcel truncates the unneeded data.

GS Storage

Media content is managed through storage. Data flow is automated and integrated with the customer’s systems. Content is automatically linked to graphic templates.

GS Social

GH Social enables the display of user-generated content from any social media channel for real-time linear TV broadcasts and web streaming broadcasts. Integrates with various social media platforms. Users can moderate comments and other events, such as likes. Ready integration with the commonly used social media management platform, Flockler.

GS Engine

Based on the Caspar CG server and HTML templates that enable agile editing capabilities for dynamic, versatile graphics. Our Graphic Solution engine is co-developed with SmartPX and TV Tools.



Next, we will showcase a few of Nelonen Media’s Linear TV channels with dynamic graphics.

Keno Lottery Show

The whole Keno lottery show (inc. Keno + Synttärit -games) is generated automatically based on a single XML file.

HS News feature

A unique HS news feature allows displaying real-time data on the HS website and any other desired channel number 4. The news headline, text, and wallpaper are automatically downloaded from the RSS feed. You may check today’s hot new topics in real-time here.

Channel branding elements

Picks of the multi-layered graphics and channel branding visuals of Nelonen Media’s linear TV channel. The system enables playback of video, images, and audio. The current program name, channel, and upcoming program listing are displayed based on the schedule information.

Digital asset management.

We want to hear more from you!

Do you want to take your Channel Branding to the next level? Book a meeting and let’s talk about your needs.

Media Tailor

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